

Start the redemption before the ICO completion

Specially for our VIP customers the LH Crypto team representatives Alexander Smirnov and Antonis Lapos will conduct a number of personal meetings. The meetings will take place in the following cities: 15 January – Milan, 16 January – Lugano, 17 January – Zurich, 18 January – Geneva, 19 January – Monaco. If you're an investor or just waiting

September, 15 2017


The LH-Crypto project has reached $7 000 000!

The meetings will take place in the following cities: 15 January – Milan, 16 January – Lugano, 17 January – Zurich, 18 January – Geneva, 19 January – Monaco. If you're an investor or just waiting on the sidelines for now with over 50 000 USD we will be happy to meet you in one of these cities. To make a reservation, please send an

September, 15 2017
Video Presentation


New trends in UI/UX Design World Integration

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for

September, 15 2017


Dory combtail gourami sind danio. Crestfish kuhli loach

Lh-Crypto project buys 10% of the total amount of LHC tokens sold at a double rate. Thus, even now, project investors can receive an

September, 15 2017


Chinook salmon john dory Australian herring clown

The meetings will take place in the following cities: 15 January – Milan, 16 January – Lugano, 17 January – Zurich

September, 15 2017


Chinook salmon john dory Australian herring clown

The meetings will take place in the following cities: 15 January – Milan, 16 January – Lugano, 17 January – Zurich

September, 15 2017